Ask Eric Live Ep 28 Part 1
This week's episode is extra special because I just announced the lucky winner of my studio essentials giveaway worth S$1329. Why she win is itself a lesson on branding. Scroll to the last 10 minutes!
I have also answered the following questions for this week's #AskEricLive
1. Eric, why are you moving from Facebook and Instagram to Telegram? What are the benefits of Telegram that Facebook and Instagram cannot give you?
2. I notice that I attract the most responses when I do a video or write about my personal experiences. How is this sustainable? After a few videos and stories I will run out of content. Please help me.
3. It’s amazing to see your story that you’ve come so far Eric! Is there anything you would have done to shorten that process of yours? You mentioned that you took 10 years to become known, loved and respected, would you change anything about that?
Also, what’s one value/principle you hold to most closely in your personal life/business?
4. Due to the nature of insurance business, we can't really show testimonies of "results" (eg "help who and who to achieve 32% of increase in sales") as the result of our work is far into the future or the client would be dead. So what kind of testimonies can we collect? __ To post your questions, go to