I was tested COVID positive and all hell broke loose ðŸ˜
On the third day of CNY, I was tested
COVID positive and all hell broke loose
for me.
Physically I was in a lot of pain.
High fever at 39 degrees.
Tension headache.
Giddiness and nausea.
Painful sore throat.
Low heart rate (46 beats per min)
Body aches everywhere.
Emotionally I was in shock.
I knew COVID was real but I never thought
it would come that close.
And the idea of being locked up in my room
for seven straight days got me into a series
of panic attack.
I was in a total mess.
Even writing this email is difficult because
I can still feel the fear, anxiety and worry
that plagued me during the nine days of
The good news is I survived COVID.
But my body is still pretty screwed.
I get painful headaches every day.
I wake up several times during the night.
I am tired all the time.
So let’s call a spade a spade.
COVID sucks.
And I never wish it on anyone.
PSA: Take your booster! You will suffer less.
I didn’t that’s why the symptoms were extra
potent for me. My friend whom I infected
had an easy ten days because he took his
booster just two weeks ago.
Anyway the purpose of this email isn’t to
just tell you to take the booster.
The purpose of this email is to let you know
why I have being so quiet in Feb and that
I am back for good!
I have also gained a new found appreciation
for good health.
You know, health is like oxygen.
You don’t really appreciate it until it has
been taken away from you.
So learn from my mistake.
Don’t take your health for granted.
It is THE MOST IMPORTANT gift you own.
With health, you will have the power to
gain everything good in life.
Without health, you will lose everything
good in your life.
I learnt my lesson.
And I am making changes to my lifestyle.
One, I am taking more breaks
in between my work.
During these breaks, I will drink a cup of water,
enjoy the breeze by the window or just lie on
my bed to rest.
Two, I try to stop work at 7pm every day
whenever possible.
So yes, no more than 16 hours workday.
During the few hours of break before sleep,
I will either spend time with my family/friends
or spend time doing things I enjoy like
reading a book or taking a long walk in the
In other words, I am slowing down to the
speed of life.
My work is still very important to me.
I love what I do but I also realise that
I got to love my body too.
Only then can I have the power to continue
doing what I am born in this world to do.
I hope this email reaches you and inspires
you to also make health your number one
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng
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