First of all, a big hug!
All will be well I promise.
During my trip to Hawaii two years ago, I had the chance to swim after sea turtles and I was reminded of a story about ‘timing’.
I promise you this story will put all that you are going through right now into perspective!
One day, a snorkeler caught sight of a large sea turtle returning to sea and he started giving chase. But for some reason, he lost the turtle after a while.
The next day, he saw another turtle (could be the same one) and started giving chase.
This time he was prepared. He brought his flippers. But again, after a minute of chasing, he lost sight of the turtle.
On the following day, he decided to simply observe the “ninja” turtle and this was when the lesson unfolded.
He noticed that each time the wave hit the turtle, it would paddle just enough to stay afloat. But when the wave started pushing the turtle back into the deep sea, it would swim like its life depended on it.
He then recounted that on both days, he swam equally hard whether the waves were with him or against him. So naturally he lost stamina and in the process, the turtle.
Life – like waves – is made up of ebb and flow.
It pushes and pulls.
To enjoy this journey, we need to learn to PACE OURSELVES according to its TIMING.
When everything seems to go against you, don't fight it. Stay put. Conserve your energy.
But when your stars are aligned and everything goes your way, give it your 200% and hustle like your life depends on it.
Hope this post put a smile on your face.
P.S. Let me know your thoughts on this beautiful lesson because even after two years, this story still feels so fresh and relevant to me right now.