Read this before you start your week!
When was the last time you acknowledge yourself for the effort you put into your work, regardless of the results? When was the last time you look into the mirror and compliment yourself? When was the last time you take yourself for a nice meal to reward yourself for a job well done? You see, of all the applause you get, self-applause is the most important.
Yet many of us (me included us) fall into the trap of seeking validation from others.
Our parents. Our bosses. Our peers. Our customers. Even people we don’t know. Unknowingly we give our power away. “I can’t feel good about myself unless someone compliments me.” “I can’t feel proud of myself unless I get recognised by my company.” “I can’t feel happy unless my customer shows me appreciation.”
Can you see how miserable your life can be because how you feel depends largely on how people respond to you? Problem is people are unpredictable and even unreliable. Which means your sense of self goes up and down depends on how others treat you. Isn’t that a torture? This is why I suggest you give yourself the compliments, recognition and appreciation you so desire. Let you in on a universal truth.
The world treats you according to how you treat yourself so be your own biggest fan!
Funnily enough, people around you will start to treat you as one too.
Your biggest fan,

P.S. Do you have questions on business or life that you like me to answer? If yes, reply to this email. The next email could be in response to your question!