Sorry :(
Other than the recent emails
about the EPIC sharing, I haven’t been
writing to you. Sorry about it.
So what happened the last two months?
Well, I was deep in the trenches with
my mentees, helping them to hit their
ambitious sales goals.
And you already know what happened
from last Friday’s sharing.
A number of first time MDRT qualifiers.
Mentees earning 60K-100K quarterly income.
Two million dollar agencies.
So now that they are busy enjoying their
fruits of labour, I have some breathing space
to reflect and write to you.
Having started coaching for a full year now,
I came to an important realisation.
If you could have done it on your own,
you would have already done it.
So why is it that in spite of easy access to
information and advice, only few emerge at
the top?
Five reasons.
Poor execution.
Lack of willpower.
Limiting beliefs.
Fear of people’s opinions.
No self-discipline.
Notice the common denominator here?
It all relates to how well you master yourself.
In fact, you can think of self-mastery
as a container.
And the bigger your container,
the more you can hold.
Today, there is SO MUCH free resources
to help you become wealthy, influential
and successful but question is do you have
hold them?
Sadly, many people’s containers are slow.
Some even with holes.
This is why I have come to a conclusion that
if you want to enjoy all the wealth, influence
and success in this world, you got to make
your personal growth your number one
Master yourself and you master the world.
So let’s do a bit of coaching right now.
What is holding you back from all the
wealth, influence and success you are
suppose to enjoy?
Reply to this email.
Let me know.
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng
P.S. I am planning to write to you more often
because I really want you to do well.
So here’s the plan.
On weekends (likely Sat), I will send an email
relating to topics on self-mastery. Many of
these emails will be based on my personal
experiences and observations.
On Thursdays, I will send you emails that
are more business related. Focus will be on
helping you deal with the unique challenges
of 2022.
(1) Omicron variant and the possible lockdown
(2) Growing popularity of robo-advisors
(3) Changing consumer values because of
the pandemic (in particular with millennials
and Gen Z, the digital native)
(4) Increasing competition in your industry
(competition including influencers trying to
steal market share away from you)
(5) Massive changes to social media platforms
and how we must adapt to the ever-changing
algorithm and content preferences