ten money making skills to earn more in 2022
Got your attention didn’t I?
So let’s get to it.
I believe that these are the ten
money making skills that will
help you earn more in 2022.
The first five are influenced by
the following key trends.
Global competition.
Increased time spend online.
Diminishing trust.
This is why if you want to do well in 2022,
you got to be visible, likeable and credible
in the digital world.
And to do so, you must master the
following five skills.
1. Personal branding – to help you stand
out from the sea of sameness
2. Digital marketing – to help you generate
high quality of leads consistently and
3. Copywriting – to influence with the
written word
4. Public speaking – to influence with
your spoken word
5. Video filming and editing – to create
videos that educate and entertain (videos
are afterall the default medium of
communication in the digital world)
While the first five skills are relatively new
for most of you, the next five skills aren’t.
As long as live among people, we will
always need these five skills to thrive.
Here goes.
6. Charisma – win the hearts and minds of
people offline and online
7. Outsourcing – find good talents to help
you in the business because you can’t do
everything yourself
8. Team management – work well with others
and able to bring the best out of them
Pro tip: If you master 7 and 8, you won’t even
need 2-5!
9. Creativity – to come up with new ways of
solving both old and new problems. This is
where the new money is!
10. Resilience – because life is tough and
the one who can bear the most pain and
discomfort will outlast everyone else.
And if you are the last man standing,
you cash in the most money!
So there you have it!
Ten money making skills that will earn you
the most money in 2022.
Which skills will you prioritise?
Let me know by replying to this email!
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng

P.S. I am planning to write to you more often
because I really want you to do well.
So here’s the plan.
On weekends (likely Sat), I will send an email
relating to topics on self-mastery. Many of
these emails will be based on my personal
experiences and observations.
On Thursdays, I will send you emails that
are more business related. Focus will be on
helping you deal with the unique challenges
of 2022.
(1) Omicron variant and the possible lockdown
(2) Growing popularity of robo-advisors
(3) Changing consumer values because of
the pandemic (in particular with millennials
and Gen Z, the digital native)
(4) Increasing competition in your industry
(competition including influencers trying to
steal market share away from you)
(5) Massive changes to social media platforms
and how we must adapt to the ever-changing
algorithm and content preferences