The 4️⃣ rules of life you wish you know 🤷♂️
One of the teachers that I respect a lot is
Vishen Lakhiani.
He is the founder of Mindvalley, an online
learning platform that boast of 12 million
students from 80 countries.
Wanting to be an influential teacher like him,
I study all his content on YouTube and
and podcast.
But there was one YouTube video that
was so powerful I “force” my close friends
to watch it and they were eternally grateful
to me.
So in this week’s Earnestly Eric, you are
in for a treat because I will share with you
the essence of this enlightening video.
that when observed, will make you
a formidable force in this world.
Here goes.
Rule 1: Your work is not about your work.
Rather your work is nothing more than the
greatest vehicle for your personal evolution.
In other words, your career, your finances,
your children – they are all vehicles of your
personal growth.
And when you make personal growth your
number one priority, everything else in your
life grows with it.
Rule 2: When you dream big, your problems
become small.
I hear this being said so many times by
powerful people.
The most recent one being Chris Do,
another influential teacher with over
a million subscribers on YouTube.
I asked him during our podcast interview
“Why did you set a 1B student goal?”
His reply: “The way these goals work is, it’s
got to be so big it’s going to keep you busy
for a really long time.”
So busy that you won’t focus on the
non-important stuff like what other people
think about you or a friend who forgets your
Rule 3: Your life is not about you.
Rather, your life is about the lives of
everyone you touch.
So I encourage you to relook at your goals.
Are they self-serving?
Have 10K followers
Win ABC award
Make a million dollars
Yes, you may one day achieve these goals,
but you will probably remain dissatisfied
and want more.
And it will end up becoming
a bottomless pit.
Because we are made to be of service
to others.
This is our TRUE NATURE.
Align to that true nature of serving others,
and you will never wake up feeling worried,
lonely, sad or unworthy.
Rule 4: We do our best work when we care
for each other and are cared for.
The first part of rule 4 is an extension of
rule 3.
But I like to draw your attention to the
second part of rule 4.
You do your best work when YOU
It is impossible to fill other people’s cups
when yours is empty.
So before you can fulfil your God given
destiny, make sure you surround yourself
with people who truly care about you and
see the best in you.
Be in a nurturing environment
that source you and support you.
Only then can you become a formidable
force of good in this world.
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng

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