This email will change the way you think about goals 🎯
Have you ever realise that almost every goal
we set is to chase for something that we
don’t have?
Six pack abs. (a health goal)
$10K commissions every month (a sales goal)
A boyfriend/girlfriend (a relationship goal)
But here’s the problem.
Every day as you focus on your goal,
you are reminded that you are far from it.
You are still flabby.
You are still poor.
You are still alone.
And until you achieve that goal,
you will always be stuck in the pre-fail stage.
Think about what that does to
your emotions and psyche.
No wonder so many people are unhappy!
What if instead of setting goals to chase
for what we don’t have, we set goals to
enjoy what we already have?
Won’t you be happier?
More fulfilled?
Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway?
To be happy and fulfilled.
Here are five inspired by from an essay
I recently read titled “Goals to set that
are more about enjoying what you have
than chasing what you don’t”:
1. Seek out ways to appreciate the way
people are, not the way you want them to be.
It is not your job to judge who is deserving
of your love and kindness. It is not your job
to fix anybody. It is only your job to love them
in whatever way is appropriate.
2. Each day, write down one thing your body
allowed you to do. Whether it is watching
your favorite show or listening to the sounds
on the street on the way to work or being able
to see a computer screen or hug someone you
3. Find meaning and joy in the work you do,
not the work you wish you did. Finding
fulfilment in work is never about pursuing
your idea of what your “purpose” is. It is
always about infusing purpose into whatever
it is you already do.
4. Do a “spend cleanse” where you only use
what you have for a period of time. At once,
teach yourself the art of denying immediate
gratification and show yourself that you
already have everything that you need.
5. Aspire to be someone who gives things
meaning not someone who seeks things
to give them meaning. Rather than chasing
‘success’, chase kindness. Rather than believe
wealth is the mark of a life well lived, believe
that intelligence is, or kindness is, or open-
mindedness is.
Oh and call your parents. Not everyone
has the privilege.
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng

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