This is why only few people succeed 🧐
This week’s email is inspired by two texts
I got from my mentees yesterday.
One from Hong Kong, Nicholas Chan.
“Dailo (big brother), I won the Rookie
Agent of the Year award!”
One from Singapore, Joyce Chan.
“Eric, I won this year’s Digital Agent
of the Year award!”
OK I just saw that.
Both are Chans.
Some context of this award.
You got to be an insurance agent or
financial advisor to be nominated.
Nominees come from all the countries in Asia.
(so competition is stiff!)
And the winner is chosen by a panel of judges
who represents a cross section of the industry
including market leaders, association heads
and regulators.
So now that you know this award is legit,
let’s get to the point of today’s email.
I wanted Nicholas and Joyce to each
share with you their best social media advice.
And to make this email even more valuable,
I also got two past winners to share.
Both of them are also my mentees.
Jiale, Digital Agent of the Year 2018.
(our OG KLR star!)
Wilfred, Financial Advisor of the Year 2020.
So here goes.
(IG @justnickit_)
Always be authentic.
In this era of social media, people always
tend to only show their most glamourous
and flashy side of their lives, which made
everyone “similar” in a way.
For me, my social media is all about
presenting who I really am, because as
an advisor, people connect with you rather
than your products.
People have to first buy you,
then buy from you.
Authenticity includes showing your
vulnerability. Trust me, it helps you
connect with your audience.
It also makes you special because
you’re willing to show the “real side”
as a person.
This is why, I love to share the sweets
and bitters of #agentNick, it helps me to
be a more relatable agent that people
are looking for.
(IG @joycechansg)
Stop doubting yourself!
I've been there.
After taking hours to create a post,
I take a look at it and think, "What if..."
"What if this post is not good enough?"
"What if people take it the wrong way?"
"What if I receive negative comments??"
"What if people think that I'm doing this
just to sell them???"
These "What if's" overwhelmed me
and I ended up deleting the post.
But soon enough, I learnt this one and only
"What if" that I should have asked myself.
"What if I just posted it?"
If it's a solid post, people would like,
comment and share - and the reach
would speak for itself.
If it's not the best, engagements would
be low any way and I'll learn from it
and improve my posts in future!
There's hardly anything to lose and
SO MUCH to gain.
So stop doubting yourself.
Focus on that one and only "What if",
and just hit that post button!
(IG @hello.jiale)
There is no point being good at what you do
if no one knows you.
This is where social media comes in.
Social media can help lots of people
get to know you AT SCALE.
And the first step is to be start
communicating your values, beliefs
and value proposition.
(IG @wheelfret)
When it comes to personal branding,
it is never too late to start!
What's more important is taking the small step
to get started in crafting our own personal
Start small by documenting your daily life.
It doesn’t take that much effort at all.
The more we show up on social media,
the more visibility we have, the more
relatability we create and that's where we
eventually can become known, loved
and respected!
(end of sharing)
I trust that you are inspired by
their words of wisdom!
Now imagine, you are friends with
Nicholas, Joyce, Jiale and Wilfred.
Do you think your chances of success
will go up?
A hundred percent!
And you are right.
Because you are the average of the
five people you hang out with the most.
And if the people you spend the
most time with are constantly winning in life,
you are next!
So here’s my word of advice.
Surround yourself with people whom
you aspire to become.
Consume their content.
Meet them in person.
Ask them questions.
Understand how they think.
Know their habits.
Learn about their mistakes.
Observe them and model after them.
Better yet, look for a community
where these winners hang out.
Do that and it is a matter of time
that you will start winning too!
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng

P.S. I have the opportunity to interview
Nicholas, the youngest TOT in Hong Kong.
If you want to know his backstory and
his strategy to becoming the top 1%,
go listen to this interview!