Two rejections made him 19 billion dollar richer (here's how)
Brian was really good at what he does.
After 11 years of working at Yahoo, he applied for a job in Twitter.
But got rejected.
Next, He tried applying a job at Facebook.
But got rejected… again.
After these setbacks, he decided to focus his energy
on building an app.
An app that Facebook later bought for $19 billion.
You know the app.
In fact, you use it every day.
The app of the name is WhatsApp.
Had Brian gotten the job at Twitter or Facebook,
he would not have worked on the app.
And neither of the company would have paid him that much anyway.
Looking back, I am pretty sure Brian was glad he got rejected.
Rejection is simply redirection.
A course correction to your destiny.
So the next time you receive a rejection, smile.
Allow life to unfold and surprise you… in a good way.
Tell yourself, “I am being redirected to something better.”
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng
